The Engaging Brand

The Engaging Brand

Show 460 - How Music Can Provide a Hit Brand

November 10, 2013

This weeks The Engaging Brand podcast covering social marketing, business ideas and brand marketing tips sees Anna Farmery speaking with Richard Jankovich about how sonic branding is helping leading brands.

  • What does music bring to branding?
  • How music can help create community.
  • How the role of music has changed from shouting the emotion you should feel to subconsciously to help you find your own emotion.
  • How you must understand the essence of the brand - and what your brand stands for...
  • How music in marketing represents what the brand stands for...not to sell the product.
  • Is music more trustworthy than marketing copywriting?
  • The science of music in retail
  • Will brands replace the music publishers?

Sasha Drevic is chosen as listener of the week, chosen from all the people who have shared about the show this week - a goodie bag is on it's way to you to say a BIG THANK YOU!

Would love to hear your thoughts, or why not join the community on twitter , Google+ or Facebook.