You Have My Attention

You Have My Attention

Latest Episodes

#5 - Where is the Lamb Sauce
August 02, 2018

Gordon Ramsay is arguably the most famous chef alive today. But, how did an injured footballer from Scotland become the TV star and world renowned restaurateur he is today? In this episode, we look at the life, success, and famous insults of the legendary

#4 - Living in the Matrix
July 25, 2018

There are some very influential people who don’t think the world we live in is real. But, do their theories make sense?

#3 - Really Funny People
July 19, 2018

There are some really funny people out there, and many of them are stand-up comedians. But, why are these guys so funny, and what makes them so successful?

#2 - Why You Like Disney Movies
July 11, 2018

It seems like almost everyone likes watching a classic Disney move. But, why?

#1 - Most Jobs Are Pointless
July 09, 2018

Are most jobs really worth doing?