The Wired Homeschool

The Wired Homeschool

Acer Chromebook Tab 10 vs 2018 Apple iPad: Which is Better for Homeschooling?

April 15, 2018

At the end of March, Acer and Apple announced new tablets targeted at education. Acer’s Chromebook Tab 10 and Apple’s 2018 iPad are priced competitively but which is better for homeschooling?
Acer Chromebook Tab 10
Google has dominated the public education market with Chromebooks for many years now. Their low price and suite of free applications make them very appealing to cash-strapped school districts.
Homeschoolers have been able to use G Suite for Education for a few years now and that gives homeschoolers access to tools and resources that were once only available to public schools.
With the Chromebook Tab 10, the ease of use and affordability of Chrome OS has moved from a laptop to a tablet. Homeschoolers will like the affordability of this product (when it’s released) and the free tools available from Google.
What we don’t know yet is how it will perform over time and whether or not it will hold up to the abuse of being handed down from one child to another.

* Google Classroom & G Suite for Education
* Includes stylus
* Expandable storage


* Less privacy (potentially)
* Longevity and durability unknown
* Weak cameras

2018 Apple iPad
When the iPad was first released many people (including myself) saw the great potential for its use in education. Unfortunately, price and the lack of a basic educational application suite hindered the iPad’s adoption in public schools.
“Educational” applications soon emerged but many were either filled with ads or required additional in-app purchases. This either led to distractions for the student or additional costs that parents weren’t expecting after paying $400-$500 for a tablet.
Since then, more robust educational software has emerged and the prices have dropped. Homeschoolers can trust that their investment in an iPad will last for years (I still have an original iPad Mini).

* Apple eco-system
* More privacy
* Faster processor


* Cost ($329)
* No stylus included ($99)
* No other improvements

So, which tablet is right for you?
If you want more bang for your buck and access to a reliable education suite, the new Acer Chromebook Tab 10 is right for you.
Already invested in the Apple eco-system and want a tablet you know you can still use in 5 years? Go with Apple’s 2018 iPad but realize you’ll be paying more in the long run.
Extra Time
I recently reviewed a wall mount for the Google Home Mini on my personal YouTube channel.

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