What Fresh Hell: Laughing in the Face of Motherhood

What Fresh Hell: Laughing in the Face of Motherhood

Latest Episodes

How To Be The Teacher’s Favorite Parent: Episode 76
October 24, 2018

We have more direct relationships with our children’s teachers than our parents could ever have imagined. But the homework, online portals, and conferences aren’t always uncomplicated topics. Here’s how teachers say we can best support what they do.

Self-Regulation for Kids: Helping Them (And You) Deal With Tantrums- Episode 75
October 17, 2018

Tantrums seem to come out of nowhere. But getting curious about what lies beneath the meltdown in Aisle Six can go a long way towards taming our kids’ meltdowns in the future. Here’s how to help our kids self-regulate without losing our own cool.

How To Get It All Done: Time Management For Moms (with guest Jessica N. Turner): Episode 74
October 10, 2018

Every mom struggles with the juggle. We discuss strategies to work smarter and get more done. The best time management secret? Be more gentle with ourselves, not more demanding. Guest: Jessica N. Turner, author of the new book Stretched Too Thin.

Why 5 to 8 p.m. Is The Worst: How To Handle the After-School Crankies (Episode 73)
October 03, 2018

5 to 8 p.m. is the worst. Nap-skipping toddlers melting down, babies in “witching hour” mode, 6th graders crying over homework— just when we’re also exhausted from our own very full days. Here’s how to make pickup-to-bedtime a little bit easier.

The Right Number of Kids Is… (Episode 72)
September 26, 2018

For most of us, the right number of kids is the number of kids we have. (At least most of the time.) But there are proven, distinct benefits to each family size, from one kid to a minivan’s worth. Our listeners tell us what works for them and why.

Hand-Me-Downs, Keepsakes, and Too Much Stuff: Episode 71
September 19, 2018

The toys, keepsakes, hand-me-downs, and art projects our kids create could fill a dumpster. Weekly. Whether you’re a sentimentalist who keeps every finger-painted masterpiece or a ruthless minimalist, here’s how to create systems to tame the stuff.

Raising Grateful Kids: Episode 70
September 12, 2018

Most of us would like our kids to express — and feel— more gratitude. So how do we get our kids to say thank you like they mean it? Maybe even remember to do so unprompted? Here’s how to build a practice of gratitude with (and for) kids of all ages.

When Mom Struggles (with guest Janelle Hanchett): Episode 69
September 05, 2018

Moms aren't supposed to struggle; we're meant to be benevolent goddesses of wisdom and Hamburger Helper. But when things get really tough, should we tell our kids? Or is that burdening them? And what happens when there's things we really can’t share?

Why Are Our Kids Such Total Opposites? Episode 68
August 28, 2018

It’s not your imagination: kids raised in the same family push in opposite directions. Why do siblings, especially closely-spaced or same-sex ones, deidentify? We discuss the three theories out there, and whether parents need to do anything about it.

How To Be a Happier Parent (with KJ Dell’Antonia): Episode 67
August 22, 2018

Is a mother only as happy as her unhappiest child? Kind of, yeah. How do we find happiness in the daily slog? Our guest KJ Dell’Antonia, author of How To Be a Happier Parent, says the key is finding simple, concrete solutions for what isn’t working.