#WeGotGoals by aSweatLife

#WeGotGoals by aSweatLife

Season 3 of the #WeGotGoals Podcast Kicks Off—Here's How We're Changing Things Up This Time

March 06, 2019

On the first two seasons of #WeGotGoals, we sought out individual goal-getters that we admired, whose missions aligned with ours and whose passions we found motivating and inspirational. Standouts like Kate Field of The Kombucha Shop, Jillian Lorenz of The Barre Code, Sarah Spain of ESPN, and Jen Ator of Women's Health all graced our airwaves, sharing their invaluable advice and inspiring us to dream even bigger.

And while the heart of that won't change during season 3 of the pod, we decided to take advantage of the fresh start of a new season. This year, we're structuring our season around four big themes we care a lot about, and we'll highlight goal-getting guests who are doing big things as a part of that theme.

Not quite sure what we mean? Here's a sneak peek at what our podcast calendar will look like in the coming year:

From March through May, we'll interview guests working towards the greater goal of building community. You'll hear from the founder of the Runstreet community and the daughter of the founder of Jazzercise, who's taking action to keep Jazzercise modern and fun for anyone.

From June through August, we'll focus on guests dedicated towards creating a better Earth. Who knows? Maybe you'll be convinced to try cricket protein powder by the end of our episode with Robyn Shapiro.

From September through November, our guests will be working towards getting better, stronger, and faster. Expect to feel motivated to switch up your workout routine and bust through your PR roof after listening to these episodes.

And finally, from December through February, we'll interview goal-getters who are contributing generously to their communities and giving back in ways that will inspire us all to feel more connected to the people and places around us.

In this episode of the pod, we discuss why we felt motivated to switch things up and who our dream guests would be for this season (and if any of you dream guests are out there listening, you can email us at wegotgoals@asweatlife.com).

For more hints and ideas of what we'll be covering in Season 3 of #WeGotGoals, listen to our podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Got two seconds? Leave us a rating or a review to help us start Season 3 off on a high note.