Black Company Theology

Black Company Theology

Latest Episodes

BCT ep. 24: Sheeple
April 16, 2021

In a continued look into Gnosticism, Dangerous looks at the lack of meaning within an atheistic worldview and points out that despite this, people spend their whole lives looking for meaning. Trying to give their lives meaning.

BCT ep. 23: The First Rule of Gnostic Club
March 20, 2021

In this episode Dangerous goes back to the 1st Century to make sense of the 21st Century. Because History teaches us stuff, who knew? Specifically he looks at the heresy of Gnosticism that grew out of early Christianity and re-imagined it as if humans ...

BCT ep. 22: ‘God is Dead’ …He is Risen Indeed
March 06, 2021

In this next philosophical episode, Dangerous tackles Nietzsche’s famous line ‘God is dead’. He puts it into it’s actual context and discusses how this relates to our Postmodern society. And, oh, boy, does it,

BCT ep. 21: Spot the Difference
February 05, 2021

Welcome! In this cunning episode Dangerous starts to look at how postmodernism affects society. He compares the way communities reacted to World War II compared to the COVID-19 pandemic. Particularly focusing on the reports of people refusing to wear m...

BCT ep. 20: Would You Like Some Philosophy with your Coffee?
January 23, 2021

Welcome to 2021 and new episodes looking at Western Philosophy! Wait! Come back, it’s interesting. Honest. In this episode Dangerous talks a little about himself and why episodes are sporadic and then goes on to compare the Holy Spirit to a coffee mach...

BCT ep. 19: Would you Adam and Eve it?
October 13, 2020

In this long overdue episode, Dangerous looks at Adam and Eve and asks whether they existed. Why? I hear you cry. Because he is making a case that Christians use stories like Adam and Eve to back up or influence how they view people and actions in the ...

BCT ep. 18: Is Simples
April 18, 2020

In this deep dive of an episode, Dangerous takes a look into the Creation story (finally) and looks into the idea that it is merely a simplified telling. He looks into the science of atoms, neutrons and DNA and the issue of God not actually being effec...

BCT ep 17: Why Covid-19 is Good for the Church
April 05, 2020

In this BONUS episode Dangerous talks about the Church in times of crisis and also about how this time of closed churches could lead us away from traditions and back towards the heart of church and Christianity.

BCT ep. 16: You Don’t Look a Day over 6000 Years
March 22, 2020

In this long awaited episode, Dangerous finally gets on with the Creation story and talks about the issues with Young Earth Theology when it comes to science. That’s it really, no need to keep wittering on when you can just hear it from him.

BCT ep. 15: In the Beginning…
December 16, 2019

In this super heretical episode, Dangerous starts looking at the Creation story and quickly gets sidetracked into Sola Scriptura, one of the foundation blocks of Protestant Christianity He argues that the way we hold to this Sola, in this day and age,