Thursday Morning Big Book Step Study

Thursday Morning Big Book Step Study

Recording for December 31, 2015

December 31, 2015

(week 209) 31 December 2015 12 Step Study All Addictions workshop

A A 12 x 12 . pages 155-9 Tradition Six

An A.A. group ought never endorse, finance or lend the A.A. name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige, divert us from our primary purpose.’

Soul work

* Page 156 2nd paragraph: ‘Providence, through A.A., had brought us within reach of our highest expectations’. Above the word: Providence write: ‘God’

* Write this down:
Share a tiny little bit of your story and what you are doing, and see what comes back.

Look up: meritorious, quarantine, neurosis, consternation, endorsements

Q1a. Has 2015 taught you what works?
b. How are you going to bring that into 2016?
c. Are you going to stay open to learning even more about what works?

[If you know what works you are obviously not going to do what doesn’t work. Write down what works and bring it to Quiet Time. And make sure you have gratitude that you learnt what works. Then ask God in Quiet Time: How can I expand on this? That is what a recovered person is all about. You know what works and you keep asking to improve. Looking at life as a half-full glass.]

Q2. Look at perfectionism. Why do you want it?
[My experience personally and when working with people is that beneath perfectionism is fear that you are not good enough. Perfectionism makes you very self-centered. You are not really thinking ‘what can I do to help others?’ but rather ‘how can I look perfect and how can this work out so I look good.’ It is a very fearful way of living, no trust. It's also sad. I lived that way for many years].
