Guided Meditations And Spirituality Talks

Guided Meditations And Spirituality Talks

Meditation Healing Music 9 Spirit Doctors Meditation Healing Music 9 Spirit Doctors

October 11, 2017

Spiritual Meditation Healing Music Free Download
Find a quiet space for meditation, make sure you will not be disturbed, lay comfortably. Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths, in through the nose out through the mouth, relax the mind and body. Remind yourself that for the purpose of this meditation you are invoking the white light healers. The 9 spirit doctors 18 hands of white light healing.
Picture yourself encompassed in white light, igniting warmth and love in your whole body. Imagine this healing light rushing through you. On its way through it lifts and evaporates all body, mental and emotional toxins, safely removing all discomfort, pain, disharmony, disease and negative thought. © as channelled by psychic medium Ian Scott. – Nature’s Oracle Cards
Related:  See full 18 hands white light healing written meditation here> 
Meditation Healing Music By Ian Scott
To download this free MP3 meditation music, click on the audio player below, the player will load, click the 3 vertical dots, click the download icon.