INSPIRE | SUCCESS | PASSION - Things No One Taught You in School

INSPIRE | SUCCESS | PASSION - Things No One Taught You in School

Latest Episodes

Your Identity
September 25, 2015

In your life you have different roles.  Perhaps you are a mother, a father, a CEO, a manager, a clerk or a sports coach.  How do you see yourself in that role?  That’s your identity.  Have you considered that how you see yourself in that role (your ide...

Watch Your Language
September 22, 2015

Why Words Matter, or Watch Your Language!

Controlling Interruptions
September 21, 2015

Ever have those days where it seems like you can’t get anything done because of all the interruptions you have?  You’ve got that big project to work on, that report to get out and then – BAM!  Someone walks into your office and wants to ask a question....

Is Your Life Like a Cluttered Closet?
September 18, 2015

What does your life look like?  Have you ever felt that when you look at your own life that it resembles a closet where you just continue throwing stuff into it without any thought or organization? And then,

Overcoming Overwhelm
September 17, 2015

Have you ever had a major task to do, a project to complete, a book to read, a house to clean…. and you look at it and think that it is too big for you to handle?  You start to feel resistance in making progress and you do everything else EXCEPT addres...

How Big Is Your Baseball Diamond?
August 06, 2015

How big is your baseball diamond? If you were to look at your life as a baseball game, are you consistently hitting the ball to the fence? Sometimes you even get a home run. Are you comfortable with that? Have you considered stepping up and moving to a...

What Color is Your Crayon?
August 03, 2015

What color is your crayon? If you were to use crayons to draw a ball, which is better – red or blue? What exactly are we talking about – why YOU are the best one to accomplish YOUR goals. Listen and you’ll find out more!

Is Chaos Your Comfort Zone?
July 30, 2015

Do you tend to put things off?  Have you ever waited until the last minute to get something done?  Are you the type of person that likes to work under pressure?  Is this way of thinking working out well for you?  Is chaos your comfort zone?

Failing Forward or Dare to Do Something
July 23, 2015

Have you ever failed at something?  Do you realize that you’re in good company?  Failing and quitting are not the same thing!  True greatness and success comes to those that learn from failure and that’s what this episode is all about!

How to Hold an Effective Meeting
July 22, 2015

This episode covers how to hold effective meetings.  We discuss some of the actions you can take to get better results from any type of meeting.