skwealthacademy 3Cs podcast

skwealthacademy 3Cs podcast

Russia v. the United States: Facts v. Propaganda | the tao of skwealthacademy podcast, episode_018

November 01, 2018

In today’s the tao of skwealthacademy podcast, episode_018, I discuss why all wars are bankers’ wars and why even the conflict between the US and Russia in Syria is a banker war, as I believe that it is a war ultimately to control the flow of natural gas through Syria, either from Russia to Europe or from the Middle East to Europe. Consequently, episode_018 is titled, “Russia v. the United States: Facts v. Propaganda. If the US successfully ousts the current Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, they can control the flow of energy resources from the Middle East to Europe and dictate that oil and natural gas from the Middle East is sold and bought in US dollars. If Russia succeeds in rebuffing the US attempt to overthrow Assad, then Russia would control the flow of natural gas through Syria and dictate that these resources could be sold in their sovereign ruble currency, which would serve as a huge blow against the continued subjugation of the entire world economy to US dollar supremacy. Although this reason, which I believe to be one of the primary reasons behind the Syrian conflict is little discussed in the Western mainstream media, it comes as no surprise that various Arab and Middle Eastern publications have all dismissed such theories as “conspiracy theories”, claiming that there is zero evidence to corroborate these theories. As I have always been someone that promotes evidence above all, I wondered if these assertions were correct, so I investigated them further and did not merely dismiss them as propaganda just because the assertions fit into a narrative that serves nations like Qatar and Saudi Arabia and not my beliefs about the conflict. I wanted to discover, however, if these assertions of conspiracy theories were indeed massive propaganda as well. So let’s look at some facts that are indisputable first and draw conclusions from these facts. Number one, more than half of all of Russia’s national revenues comes from oil and natural gas sales. Fact. Bankers manipulate prices of oil, natural gas, and other commodities through global futures markets. Fact. If bankers force prices of oil and natural gas lower, this will severely hurt the Russian economy. Fact. The US government colludes with bankers to take down oil and natural gas prices to hurt the Russian economy. Theory. In this case, we have a bunch of facts and then one theory that can’t be proven as a fact but then will often be dismissed as a conspiracy theory just because there is no hard evidence to support the theory by those that want to shape a certain narrative in the global media. It is just as ridiculous to label this theory as a conspiracy theory solely because there is no evidence to support it as it would be to call the Big Bang Theory about the formation of the universe a conspiracy theory just because there is also a lack of concrete evidence to support this theory as well. Rather the theories should be more accurately described as unknowns and not conspiracy theory from someone capable of critical thought. The same applies to the pipeline theories when I investigated them as well. It is a fact that multiple pipelines for natural gas and oil have been proposed that would cut through Syria and that the different proposed pipelines would provide control of Europe’s energy supplies to different factions – one to Russia, and the other to Middle Eastern nations. It is also a fact that the control of these pipelines would have massive consequences upon the US dollar depending upon which pipeline was eventually built and that if Russia wins out, then it can vastly decrease the dependence of its economy upon the US dollar. It is also a fact that the US government has funded and armed ISIL terrorists within Syria to overthrow Assad. But this is where the facts stop and the rest becomes theory. The conclusions for why the US wants to overthrow Assad are theory. However it is a fact that in July 2011, the governments of Syria,