Theology Answers Podcast

Theology Answers Podcast

Latest Episodes

S3E11 Trinitarian Necessity Pt4 of 4
November 02, 2020

The final portion of our discussion on the Trinity. Please find the other three segments.

S3E10 Trinitarian Necessity Pt3 of 4
November 02, 2020

A continuation of the teaching/conversation on the Doctrine of the Triune God. Be sure to hear the first two portions of this important conversation.

S3E9 Trinitarian Necessity Pt2 of 4
November 02, 2020

This is the second portion of the conversation on the teaching (doctrine) of God as One in Three. Be sure to listen to part 1 if you have not.

S3E8 Trinitarian Necessity – Pt1 of 4
November 02, 2020

These four broadcasts are a long conversation on the subject of God as Triune. The teaching (doctrine) of God as One in Three has long been misunderstood, ignored, and erroneously taught. Eddie and James will dive into the doctrine head-on and make cle...

S3E7 What is Sovereignty? In Salvation? Pt2
July 03, 2020

Sovereignty is one of the doctrines that most people affirm but really don’t understand. So, when they hear what Scripture says relating to its object, they have difficulty with the overarching theme of what it truly means to be sovereign over all thin...

S3E6 What is God’s Sovereignty? Pt1/2
June 26, 2020

Sovereignty is one of the doctrines that most people affirm but really don’t understand. So, when they hear what Scripture says relating to its object, they have difficulty with the overarching theme of what it truly means to be sovereign over all thin...

Election Pt2 – S3E5
June 19, 2020

James & Eddie continue to look at the Scriptural doctrine of election and show that God’s promise of salvation centers on the fact that He has prepared a people for Himself, alone.

What is Election? S3E4
June 13, 2020

Election is at the heart of the good news of Jesus Christ. Many professing believers, however, are ignorant of the doctrine and in some cases, deny it. James and Eddie discuss over in two episodes the nature and aspect of election and that it is and of...

The Supremacy of Christ | Col 1:14-20 Ep 27
January 22, 2020

James & Eddie discuss quickly this text concerning the supremacy of Jesus Christ, who IS GOD.

Objections to Christ’s Deity pt2 | Ep26 TheologyAnswers
January 10, 2020

Last year James & Edward discussed at length the divine nature of Jesus Christ from a contextual point of view. Many thoughts and questions arose from those shows and this is part 2 of two episodes to help the listeners to answer common objections. 1.