The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers

The Creative Penn Podcast For Writers

Successful Self-Publishing Tips With Steven Spatz From BookBaby

January 29, 2018

It's a big week in self-publishing as we race into 2018, and today's show is packed with tips and info on how you can make the most of your indie experience!
In the introduction, I go through:

* Apple is getting back into the ebook fight with Amazon with a revamp of iBooks to Books with audiobooks [Bloomberg]
* Google has launched audiobooks with Play and focusing on in-home devices for reading them [Google Blog]
* Walmart has struck a deal with (Rakuten) Kobo, which will see co-branded Walmart/Kobo ereading devices, ebooks and audiobooks through the Walmart website and stores [The Verge]
* Barnes & Noble have relaunched NookPress as Barnes and Noble Press, combining their ebook and print self-publishing platforms [BusinessWire]
* The new Author Earnings report findings – and my reaction to it. Plus, why Dean Wesley Smith thinks there is an issue with data privacy and Passive Guy's take on terms & services, plus why the figures are not really “Author
Earnings” since most long-term authors make a less-significant % of their income on Amazon, plus it is only Amazon US sales. Dean reports Amazon as 15-30% of his income, and it was around 20% of mine in 2017.
* The long-running Self-Publishing Podcast is rebranding as the Story Studio podcast, as Johnny, Sean and Dave feel like they have outgrown the name – and I think that reflects the industry as a whole these days. Perhaps we are just publishing now