The Core Business Show

The Core Business Show

Maximizing Your Online Sales by Tim Jacquet - Jan 22,2013

January 22, 2013

Maximizing Your Online Sales by Tim Jacquet is our topic on The Core Business Show. he online marketplace is crowded with retailers of all sizes peddling their wares. So, as a small business, you must be able to distinguish your products to get shoppers to your website and turn them into paying customers. Using the right key words in your product descriptions can help bring in potential customers and enhance your site's search ability.

Maximizing Your Online Sales by Tim Jacquetrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | ecommercerss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | Maximizing Your Online Salesrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | online salesrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png | Tim Jacquetrss_tiny.gifitunes_trans.png