The Teach Your Easy Podcast with Catherine Storing

The Teach Your Easy Podcast with Catherine Storing

The Only Way Through is Going Through

March 13, 2019

Are you a mompreneur, entrepreneur, or Kingdompreneur who has had an experience that has left you wondering, “what have I signed myself up for?” Or you keep getting hit blow after blow in your personal life and you are wondering, “when will it end?”
Well my friend I am here to tell you that the only way through is to just go through.  Life happens, and it just doesn’t go our way all the time.  And guess what, that’s okay because those are opportunities for growth in our faith.
In this week’s new podcast episode I want to encourage you to face those things head on and find the ways you can make it through life and in your business. Please know that you are not alone, and if you are pressing your way through you are showing someone else, they can go through also.
As usual, head over to Twitter and tell me how this episode challenged your views about business and money. Don’t forget to tag me @catstoring.
And don’t forget to request your FREE Course Creation Roadmap HERE:  and to subscribe to the podcast so you don’t miss any of the new episodes.