The MrT Podcast Studio

The MrT Podcast Studio

Victoria and Albert (4)

July 06, 2019

Season 2018 / 2019 - Talk 12 d - Victoria and Albert (4)
Please note: This talk is in five parts and Victoria and Albert (4) is the fourth part. Please scroll down to each part after listening to the previous part. There is a linked video after parts 1, 2, 4 and 5.

Nigel Mariott tells us about the lives of Victoria and Albert and their great love for each other. He brings humour to the talk and included a number of video clips. I have split the talk into five parts so that you can 'click on the link' to see the video at the appropriate place.

Victoria and Albert (4) concentrates on Victoria's later life. We are introduced to John Brown and hear about his influence. Nigel talks about her good character and also the Diamond Jubilee of 1897.

I have converted the presentation used at the talk into a series of images as it is too large to load.

Please click on one of the images as you listen to the talk to open the gallery.

To view the Diamond Jubilee videos please click here and then here for the second one.

The Farnham U3A site is at Farnham U3A Home Page.

I have used Media Magazine for the title music and it is licensed from AKM Music.

© The MrT Podcast Studio and Farnham U3A History Group 2019