The Get Foxy Show

The Get Foxy Show

Brave Healing – Laura Di Franco, MPT – Ep. #49

February 26, 2019

Laura Di Franco, MPT is the owner of Brave Healer Productions and a powerhouse who writes to Feng Shui her soul. She’s a 6-time published poet and author, inspirational speaker, holistic physical therapist and third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do with over two decades of experience in healing. She was born to build a revolution of brave healers who are getting their badass, authentic voices published in order to heal the world with their words. Her new book, Brave Healing, a Guide for Your Journey, is now on Amazon! Find her at 

Feng Shui your soul through journaling your journey.

Ideas covered in this episode:

* What is a holistic physical therapist* The importance of body awareness* Laura’s definition of foxy* Moving toward joy* What inspired Laura to begin her writing * How writing is a tool for self-awareness* What is a Brave Healer* The importance of the courage to be vulnerable * Healers are a special breed of warrior* Everyone has the potential to be a healer* The relationship between “service” and “healing”* Who embodies foxy in Laura’s world