Tennis Elbow Classroom

Tennis Elbow Classroom

Latest Episodes

What Is De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis? AKA, Mommy Thumb Or Gamer’s / Texter’s Thumb
December 31, 2023

Thumb pain: Mothers and fathers get it from picking up babies Smartphone users, gamers, percussionists, golfers and anglers get it, too! But its not a SIMPLE case of Tendonitis. Its a more compli

Could Antibiotics Have Caused Your Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow Or Other Tendon Pain?
July 15, 2023

Fluoroquinolone antibiotics are unfortunately notorious for causing tendon damage including Golfer's and Tennis Elbow and, more seriously, Achilles Tendon ruptures. (Cipro being the most well-know

Can You Heal A Tendon Tear Without Surgery – With Tennis Elbow Or Golfer’s Elbow?
August 27, 2022

How some tendon tears can be healed with less invasive alternatives to full, open surgery Focusing on Tennis Elbow and Golfer's Elbow injuries

When Should You Get An MRI For Tennis Elbow Or Golfer’s Elbow?
November 12, 2020

Should you get an MRI if youve been suffering from Tennis Elbow or Golfers Elbow for some time? Do you need an MRI for diagnosis? When is the right time to ask for one, and once you've had it what

Treating & Beating Angler’s Or Fisherman’s Elbow – Inner Or Outer Elbow Pain & Injury From Fishing
July 09, 2020

What is Fisherman's or Angler's Elbow? Why do casting, reeling and other fishing motions sometimes end up causing so much pain and even debilitating injuries And how do you treat it?

3 Tips For Sleeping With Golfer’s & Tennis Elbow Pain: Best / Worst Arm Positions, Remedies, Etc.
June 02, 2020

Why do Tennis and Golfer's Elbow hurt so much at night and in the morning? What's the best position to sleep in? Is it a good idea to wear a brace in bed? (And is there anything you can do to help g

Pianist Andrew Furmanczyk Shares His Golfer's Elbow Recovery Story And Offers Tips To Piano Players
January 13, 2020

Interview / discussion about piano-related injuries with Pianist and music educator, Andrew Furmanczyk, including his 14-year battle with a Repetitive Strain Injury from playing the piano, plus injury prevention tips for piano players

Overcoming Piano Related Pain: Finger, Wrist And Elbow Injuries (RSIs) — The Missing Link
November 25, 2019

As a pianist is there anything worse than being injured? Repetitive Strain Injuries can become the curse of your existence. What do you do about them?

Don't Ice Your Tennis Elbow! (Or Golfer's Elbow!)
November 11, 2019

Why icing your Golfer's or Tennis Elbow doesn't make sense if your priority is healing

Why Cycling + Mountain Biking Causes Golfer’s Or Tennis Elbow And How To Treat It
October 17, 2019

Beating Biker's Elbow Overcoming Tennis Or Golfer's Elbow Pain From Mountain Biking, Cycling Or Motocross