Stolendroids Podcast

Stolendroids Podcast

Podcast Episode #251 – Honesty in Acronyms

January 18, 2016

This week, things are more apparent than ever that the old folks who are either in charge of everything or want to be in charge of everything really have no idea how the tech world works.  In charge of the CIA? Sure, I'll just use an AOL email address.  Want to be President? Why not sue an online encyclopedia for being an encyclopedia.  Want to be a security software developer? Just block a specific file and call it good!




CIA chief hackers are back

Police can crack Blackberry PGP encrypted email

Apple Watch 2 production is underway

GoPro cuts 7% of their workforce

Netflix starts a proxy war

Prominent developer quits BitCoin

Google blocks popular podcast app . . . then brings it back

T-Mobile apologizes for open message with an open letter.

Trend Micro has a massive security hole, gets blasted by Google

Comcast is at it again… or still?

So Apple's security fix wasn't so much of a security fix . . .

Intel is forcing users to update to Windows 10

Bernie Sander’s campaign doesn’t seem to understand this internet thing


Zuke’s Favorite: Tesla Model S

Zohner’s Favorite: Lego Batcave… from 1966