Stolendroids Podcast

Stolendroids Podcast

Podcast Episode #291 – Attack of the Cat

November 07, 2016

So what does a dirty Scotsman, mandatory state re-education, and a cat’s butthole have to do with each other? Evidently they are all in this episode.
Microsoft comes late to the team party with a Slack competitor, Apple is actually dropping prices on items you wouldn’t need to buy if it weren’t for them, and Google is being just a colossal douche.  Like, really, just the worst.


* Microsoft brings out a Slack competitor
* Google gets kinda douchey with Microsoft
* RCS is a dumpster fire and Google isn’t helping
* People aren’t happy with Apple, so they are making a sale to make up for it
* Samsung: Leader in Exploding Devices
* Can’t get your Note7 to Samsung for replacement? They’ll just cripple it remotely
* So, Android is now officially everywhere
* Oooh, they have the internet on computers now!
* No Man’s Sky should have been No Game’s Release
* 1984 never saw China coming

Zuke’s Favorite: The 80’s were weird, man
Zohner’s Favorite: DC Legends