Stolendroids Podcast

Stolendroids Podcast

Podcast Episode #289 – Nintendo Switchup

October 24, 2016

Nintendo breaks the mold and brings us something that could really change everything . . . if there are any games worth playing on it.  Facebook hopes you die of cancer, but please don’t post any pictures of it cause it might cause a technical issue.  Finally, Comcast is found guilty of doing that thing from “The Firm” that Tom Cruise discovers (you know, that thing).

* Pokemon Go hit’s $600M faster than any other mobile game
* Whatever Weebly is, it’s been hacked
* Nintendo changes the game (console)
* Everything we know about the Nintendo Switch
* Facebook has a “technical issue” and bans a breast cancer group
* Comcast gets caught basically committing fraud
* T-Mobile also was sort of being fraudulent
* Samsung encourages you to bring their bomb into airports
* The Note 7 mod in GTA was not well received by Samsung
* Live in India? Samsung needs you to develop for them
* Android trojan makes you do stupid things
* Google Assistant isn’t so . . . smart
* Razer buys THX
* Apple releases iOS 10.0.3, to Collin’s gratitude
* Apple doesn’t want to build a car anymore (thank goodness)

Zuke’s Favorite: Lisa Foiles: “You deserve to be murdered”
Zohner’s Favorite: How healthy is your battery?