Stolendroids Podcast

Stolendroids Podcast

Podcast Episode #266 – Black Links Matter

May 16, 2016

I don’t even know what I’m looking at here. Is this a newspaper?
We are running on no sleep at all and so this episode might be a little . . . weird. It’s not just us, though, as the news this week has Google forgetting how to internet, Transformers pulling freight on American freeways, and people using . . . things to unlock their phones.  Yeah, this was a weird week.


* Facebook is accused of controlling the news
* Free-To-Play game gets a little surreal
* HTC pulls a Blackberry and plummets
* Microsoft is always under attack, and you don’t hear them complaining
* Fingerprint scanners: But WHY would you use THAT on your phone?!
* Google’s design team manage to piss off the entire internet
* Yo dawg, I heard you liked bloatware! So we put bloatware that installs bloatware!
* Nikola to release 2000HP Optimus Prime
* Man says his Tesla Model S mysteriously crashed
* Tesla says they don’t believe in mysteries
* Google rumored to be working on Chirp, rival to Echo

Zuke’s Favorite: Dark Sky for Android
Zohner’s Favorite: Do you want a robot apocalypse? Because this is how you get a robot apocalypse!