Stolendroids Podcast

Stolendroids Podcast

Podcast Episode #253 – Awkward PSA

February 01, 2016

Spoiler Warning: We may or may not launch into a tirade right off the bat.  Just a heads up!
When it's not busy hunting you down over uneven terrain, the AI of the future will be playing board games! I guess we can put that in the "progress" column!  Aereo's founder has been keeping busy while Microsoft has been making all the right moves.
The FCC goes to bat for us over cable boxes
Aereo is kinda back!
Microsoft: Surface is up, Lumia is down
And cloud services are way up!
Apple is going into our schools again
Apple issues massive recall
Samsung's components division may not be able to offset the phones anymore
AI can carry guns, climb ladders, drive, and now play board games
Sanders campaign REALLY doesn't understand 2016
Google says it's fixed a Chrome issue on iOS
Apple says they've fixed an issue that was crashing the internet on iOS?
Oracle finally pulls the plug on Java
TripAdvisor on Windows machines? No thank you.
Zuke’s Favorite: Seven red lines, two of them in green
Zohner’s Favorite: Deadpool encourages you to touch yourself
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