Something Like Marriage

Something Like Marriage

Latest Episodes

Morning and Evening Rituals
April 18, 2019

Morning and evening rituals invite connection in your relationship. They can be as simple or as complex as the two of you would like. Jon and I enjoy simple ways of connecting - a cup of coffee with a kiss in the morning and talking while snuggling at ...

Spirituality and Relationship
April 03, 2019

In realizing we cannot be everything to our spouse or partner all of the time, developing our individual spirituality has been helpful. In times where we need to look outside of ourselves and our relationship,

The Beauty of Non-Sexual Touch in a Relationship
March 27, 2019

Non-sexual touch in a relationship can look like many things from holding one another to a kiss. It is touch of connection and affection without the intention leading to sex. When relishing in touch such as long three-minute hugs or thirty-second k...

My Husband Won't Talk to Me
March 14, 2019

My husband won't talk to me, our listener states. We can relate to a gap in our own communication. In our relationship, before we made changes, we did not communicate all of our deepest feelings with one another.

Share Your Gifts, Feel Happy
August 15, 2018

When we share our gifts and passions it connects us with others. Let's spend our life energy doing something that brings us and others joy.

Comparing Your Relationship on Facebook
August 08, 2018

Comparing your relationship on Facebook can bring feelings of discontentment to a couple. However, it could be turned into inspiration for future plans.

Accepting Who We Are
July 27, 2018

It was a flip-flop fail that lead to a chat on accepting ourselves. It takes time to accept our weaknesses and flaws as we become aware.

Safe Spaces for Loving Conversation
July 07, 2018

Safe spaces for loving conversation include deciding on your loving guidelines, choosing a loving physical space, and creating a safe emotional space.

Three Questions
June 29, 2018

In desiring to learn more about one another, we ask each other three questions which lead to chatting about our useless superpowers and chin implants.

Sexual Anorexia in Marriage
June 14, 2018

Sexual anorexia refers to the compulsive avoidance of sexual nourishment and intimacy. Jema dealt with sexual shame through repression of secrets. Healing has been possible as she learns more about who she is and shares her truth with loving and suppor...