Sound Health Options - Richard ~ TalkToMeGuy & Sharry Edwards

Sound Health Options - Richard ~ TalkToMeGuy & Sharry Edwards

D4T • Jade Helm Fact or Fiction?

June 16, 2015

We are being told that Jade Helm 15 is a special forces training exercise scheduled to take place this summer across seven Southwestern states. It has sparked strong opposition because the American public no longer believes the spin and machinations by those who are supposed to have our best interest at heart.

Is Jade Helm exactly like we are being told or are there sinister motives.  Join us as we BioAcoustically examine some Truth Tellers and a few people we suspect of withholding much needed information. 

We have in our line-up two military representatives, a person who has documents to back up his story and a congressman who tells us that the government has given itself the right to assassinate US citizens without justification or repercussions.


Sound Health Options