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Selfish for Success: Entrepreneur | Business | Psychology | Self Esteem | Happiness | Health

Latest Episodes

SFS 072: How to Become Resourceful
October 24, 2018

Last time, we discussed how crucial Resilience is for success, how it’s vital to have the strength of mind and body to weather the bumps on the road to success. - The second crucial ability you need is Resourcefulness.

SFS 071: How to Become Resilient
October 10, 2018

Resilience is crucial for success in anything. When you pursue big dreams or goals, challenges, problems and setbacks inevitably arise. If you lack Resilience to withstand those challenges, you will fail. -

SFS 070: Why 90% or More of Success is Your MINDSET
September 26, 2018

There's a lot of talk about mindset. But WHY is mindset so important, and why does your success in EVERY area of your life depend on it? - Your mindset is the fundamental beliefs you hold about yourself and the world. It determines how you feel,

SFS 069: Perfectionism – A Recipe For Failure
September 12, 2018

Perfectionism means always trying to meet high standards AND not making mistakes or failing as you try to meet those standards. The problem with perfectionism is NOT high standards, but the rules for HOW to meet those standards. -

SFS 068: Procrastination – How to Stop It
August 29, 2018

Everyone procrastinates. But when it becomes chronic or stops you from performing tasks required to move towards your dreams and goals, it can have a devastating impact on your life. - Today, I reveal what causes procrastination,

SFS 067: The Fear of Making Decisions (And How to Conquer It)
August 15, 2018

Life consists of making decisions, small and big, every day. If you have fear or difficulty making decisions, it can cripple and inhibit your ability to accomplish your goals and be happy. - WHY do so many people fear making decisions?

SFS 066: How Fear of Failure KILLS Your Dreams
August 01, 2018

Fear of failure is probably the #1 reason people don’t go after their dreams. Fear comes from the perception of danger or threat. But with fear of failure, the threat is NOT physical, but something more powerful. Today,

SFS 065: Should You Give Up Your Dreams For Others?
July 25, 2018

One of my email subscribers, a 20-year-old named Muskaan, emailed me in response to an email I sent out about "Why it's so hard to put yourself first" (you can read his full email below). It raised some big questions for him. Like,

SFS 064: I’ll Pursue My Dream When…
July 18, 2018

How many times have you heard someone say: "I'll pursue my dream (or goal) when..." and then they name some condition that has to be met BEFORE they go for their dream. Maybe you've done this or are doing it now with a dream you have.

SFS 063: A Rarely-Talked-About Key to Success
July 11, 2018

A very overlooked and rarely talked about key to success is Responsibility. I'm not talking about doing chores or fulfilling dreaded obligations, but taking responsibility for the course of your life. It comes down to two choices: - 1.