Captain Roy's Rusty Rocket Radio Show: THE UK Geek Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Doctor Who, Ham

Captain Roy's Rusty Rocket Radio Show: THE UK Geek Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Doctor Who, Ham

CRRRaSh! 247 Less Grim More Grin (Not Gin!) 2019-03-17

March 17, 2019

Happy St Patrick's Day, Less Grim More Grin (Not Gin!), Less Tweets from the Captain, What Happened to the Audio Stings? The Scarlet Gospels Ghostwritten?! The Great and Secret Show, Coldheart Canyon, Pre-Messed Stephen King's The Stand, Joel Andrianomearisoa Exhibiting for Madagascar at Venice Biennale, Boeing 737 Max 8 Crash, Facebook, Apple, and Google Down, Happy Birthday World Wide Web, The Captain's Recommendations for the Upcoming Sega Mega Drive Mini, I'm Nearly Finished Buying Music Gear, Futureproofing Your Webpages, Anchor Podcasting? Audacity Suddenly Quiet? I've Been Writing More Horror Fiction, Greggs's Vegan Sausage Roll, Fresh Cream Apple Turnover, Low Alcohol CidersShow Notes: