Rhythm of Profitability sponsored by Azola Creative

Rhythm of Profitability sponsored by Azola Creative

Latest Episodes

Waiting on Hope Is Your Problem
August 19, 2016

Are you hoping for the success you want or are you working towards it?  This week is a short episode as I'm very under the weather, but it didn't stop me from talking to you about this important issue.  Often, we lean on hope for better...

Do you have a License to Compete?
August 12, 2016

We all have a place we want to be, but sometimes we aren't looking honestly at the requirements we need to get there.  Now, that may sound like an invitation to be self-critical, it's not.  Sometimes we need a license to compete and we just...

Pokemon Go and Your 20 Year Overnight Success
August 05, 2016

Pokemon Go is an amazing story of successful trends. John Hanke, the creator of the game has already driven over $2B in revenue.  The game only took about 4 months to develop.  What an amazing overnight success.  Well, not really....

One for the Ages
July 29, 2016

This week's episode is inspired by one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes featuring Ed Wynn.  Do you have that one thing, that one really big thing in your life you want to accomplish that would be one for the ages?  If so, are you...

What is Your Mentality for Success?
July 22, 2016

How successful you believe you'll be has so much to do with the level of success you'll have.  Not only do you need to set the bar high, but you need to know you have a clear path of things you know you need to do to get there.  Sometimes,...

How Are Those Goals Working Out for You?
July 15, 2016

It can take 6 to 9 months for your goals to start taking shape in the way of meaningful results.  If you set your goals for 2016 and haven't reached them yet, what are you doing to make the needed changes?  You have less than six months left...

Where is the Joy in Your Work?
July 08, 2016

Do you find joy in the work you do?  If not, where is it?  For those of you with the ability to find joy day in and day out, what are you doing to help others find that same joy?  For those of you without it, where can you find it?...

Why Do You Do What You Do?
July 01, 2016

Why do you really do what you do?  Is it your desire for fame?  Your desire to be wealthy?  Do you have something or someone bigger than yourself that motivates you to focus on picking yourself up each and everyday to strive for your...

10 Emotional Questions Slowing Your Sales
June 24, 2016

Making a purchase is an emotional decision.  It seems the more zeros that are behind the product or service's price, the more emotional it becomes.  How well do you concentrate on those emotions?  Do you have the next emotion...

Shut the Gut Up!
June 17, 2016

Do you ever have an opportunity or invitation in front of you and your gut is making you second guess it, but youre not sure why? Sometimes, our gut is cheering along with our dreams and telling us