PZ's Podcast

PZ's Podcast

Episode 222 – Circle for a Landing

September 26, 2016

The problems we all have are different, depending on the person and your history. Yet they are all urgent; and they all require, ultimately, urgent care.
This cast presupposes the universality of urgency, at least in one concrete area of your life. In other words, everyone is more or less circling for a landing.
But how to land? You didn’t go to flying school, did you? Most people didn’t. So how do you land?
The short answer is, you have to go elementary — you have to return to first principles. And for most people, this means going back to the past.
You can’t go forward in life — you can’t even begin to live in the present — if you haven’t abreacted your past.
I had a surprising chance to do this recently. In fact, I’m still in shock about it. This is because a college reunion grabbed me right back to … the Twilight Zone. I entered the Twilight Zone. Partly it was because where I was was unchanged, physically and emotionally even, in comparison to what it was, physically and emotionally, 45 years ago. ZHOOOM!: It’s 1971 again. Hey, and what’s that song blaring from the dorm windows? It’s “Roundabout”, by Yes.
If you don’t believe me now — and I’m actively hoping you will — you may one day. And then “you may ask yourself” (Talking Heads): Where did I file that podcast again, the one about memory and merger? LUV U.