The Brit and Yankee Craft Beer Podcast

The Brit and Yankee Craft Beer Podcast

Pubcast from The Brit and Yankee-Show 210-Adjunctivitis: A Brewer Panel Discussion

November 17, 2016

"This episode sees Mark and Phil heading down to Blue Nose Brewery in Hodgkins, IL, to join up with Tim Hoerman from 51st Ward Beer Company and Andrew Nordman from Cademon Brewery, for an intense discussion on beer adjuncts. Tim threw down the brewing gauntlet to Andrew one day to have him come and discuss his love for brewing with adjuncts. They made it interesting by each of them brewing an opposite beer-Andrew to provide a base beer, and Tim one with adjuncts. It's a lively and interesting insight into how brewers think, and we hope you enjoy it despite a slight amount of echo provided by the cavernous environs of Blue Nose."