The Voice of the Prophet

The Voice of the Prophet

Va'et-hannan (Shabbat Nahamu)

July 23, 2018

The Haftarah portion for Va'et-hannan (Isaiah 40:1-26) narrated in English by Ronald Guttman.
Questions for Discussion:
This Shabbat takes its name from this special haftarah, which begins Nahamu, nahamu—Comfort, oh comfort, My people. It marks the beginning of seven weeks of comfort (culminating in the High Holy Days) in which the relationship between God and the people Israel—strained almost to breaking on Tisha Be’av—is rebuilt.
• Who and what do you turn to when you need comfort?
• Which comforts are temporary and shallow, and what offers lasting and deep reassurance?
• Focusing on matters of transcendent and ultimate meaning can be unsettling and challenging; how can it also offer comfort?
JTS wishes to acknowledge the generosity of the Jewish Publication Society for allowing us to use their translation.