The Project Positive Message

The Project Positive Message

Latest Episodes

Message #155 - The Though Process Behind My Episodic Congratulations
August 22, 2019

Because of all the times I needed to hear good things when I was feeling down, I carefully added the words in the closing to this podcast. I go deeper into that explanation here.

Message #154 - Add Some Paranoia To Your Listening Skills
August 21, 2019

Just because no one is (probably) out to get you doesn't mean a little paranoia when it comes to your conversations with others is not a useful tool.

Message #153 - Know What You Do That Lifts People Up, And What Doesn’t
August 17, 2019

You have the power to amplify or suppress the light of the world. Know what it is that you do to make this happen, and what you might do to ensure more amplification than suppression.

Message #152 - If Say What You Want To Say To The People You Care About Right Now
August 16, 2019

Time is not guaranteed to anyone. Take some time immediately to make sure those you care about know exactly how you feel.

Message #151 - If You're Going To Dream, You Better Put In Some Work
August 15, 2019

A dream with out any action is worthless to everyone. If you are going to take the time to properly dream up an idea, you need to put some effort into seeing it come to life.

Message #150 - If It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect, Okay Is An Adequate Standard
August 02, 2019

Overstressing on perfection will never get your work done. There are plenty of circumstances where okay is okay, even if your desire to push forward makes you believe it is not okay.

Message #149 - Know How You See Yourself Before Asking Others
August 01, 2019

The image we see of ourselves in the mirror is not necessarily the image that other people see when they look at you. That does not mean your perspective is wrong but may show why others are not so quick to jump on your bandwagon.

Message #148 - Find A Way To Find A Way
July 31, 2019

Working your way towards a goal is hard, and you will face plenty of setbacks that will make you question you desire to proceed. You need to find ways to keep proceeding.

Message #147 - Plant A Seed, Even If You Don't Think It Will Grow
July 30, 2019

I am having a hard time with coaching clients trying to get them just to get started. In this podcast I share my frustration with them, and my similar frustration with myself.

Message #146 - Make Positivity Deposits Into Others
July 18, 2019

The best way to ensure you can receive positive tiding your way when you are at your lowest is to add positivity to all those around you at times of sadness and joy.