The Project Positive Message

The Project Positive Message

Latest Episodes

Message #165 - ...It Only Matters How Many Times You Get Back Up
January 24, 2020

Trouble will come, and it will do whatever it can to take you out. But if you survive you can get back up. And if you can get back up, you can eventually defeat that trouble that keeps wanting to take you out.

Message #164 - Start By Getting Dressed
January 23, 2020

Some days you will lack the energy and motivation to get out of bed. But if you can find a little motivation to get you moving, you have to start with getting out of the bed.

Message #163 - Make A List Of The Things You’re Excited About
January 22, 2020

When you are facing a situation that is not giving you positive vibes, make a list of things you look forward to try and turn your mood around.

Message #162 - People Rarely Ask For The Butt Whupping Then Need
January 21, 2020

People tend to not ask for the tough love many can see they need. You seeing a need does not give you the right to offer it up unsolicited.

Message #161 - Is That A Question You Are Meant To Ask?
January 20, 2020

Some people need to answer some tough questions about themselves and their life choices. But are you the right person to press them for the answers?

Message #160 - That Impossible Step May Not Be Necessary
October 25, 2019

You may think that the path to achieving that audacious goal requires being in the right place and working through the right circumstances. A shift in your mindset involving 'success' may help.  

Message #159 - Being A Dreamer Does Require Occasionally Waking Up
October 24, 2019

The work that needs to go into making your wildest dreams become a reality can only be done when you are wide awake and out of bed. Figuratively and literally.

Message #158 - Don't Let Eliminated Obstacles Be Replaced With New Obstacles
October 23, 2019

I saw leaving my full-time job as eliminating an obstacle to the success of my small business until I turned my business needs to make a profit into a new obstacle. Don't fall into a similar trap of giving the space previously occupied by defeated...

Message #157 - Don't Let Past Mistakes And Bad Decisions Define Your Present And Future Self
August 27, 2019

The results of past actions that may not have been very smart at the time offered a lesson in that moment. The culmination of those lessons hopefully learned define your present and future self, not the actions themselves. 

Message #156 - Try Changing Your Goal to 'Finish The Race'
August 26, 2019

No one who respects your efforts should try to convince you out of pursuing the nearly impossible win. But those who truly want to see you doing well will be there at the finish line whenever you happen to cross.