Pleiadian Network Channelings

Pleiadian Network Channelings

Winding Down 2014

December 23, 2014

Good morning, we are here, give us a moment.

It is December 22, 2014, New Moon in Capricorn, just after the Solstice, the winter Solstice. Let us begin.

You are winding down 2014, you are looking in the rearview mirror as it were, at a year that we would say was pivotal, and what we mean by pivotal, we mean that things turned this year. Things made a very sharp turn, things changed course, things made a radical change, and this year has been that kind of year, whether it has been with things like the marijuana laws, the recent changes with Cuba and things of this sort. There have been a lot of direction altering events this year. Some of it has to do with Monsanto; some of it has to do with space things, things in space. You are learning pivotal things about Mars, Mars now has liquid water, it has methane, now soon it will have living creatures, and the paradigm of earth being the only place with living creatures will be broken. You understand?

And so that is what is going on here, looking in the rearview mirror. You can say, “Okay, I was going down a road and now I’ve turned,” and if you look in the rearview mirror you will recognize nothing behind you because you’ve turned. You are on a different road now, and looking ahead is all new. Now, as you look ahead we would suggest some changes, if you have not already done this and many of you have already done this, changes in the way you approach reality because that is what 2015 is going to be –– change in approach to how you deal with reality.

Many of you are waiting for the perfect storm. You’re waiting for all things to line up so that you can easily do something. It isn’t that kind of a situation that you are in. You are in a situation where you are sort of working your way through a puzzle. You are working your way through a process. When they sent this probe, recent probe to the comet, it had to go through this process of picking up speed and going a little further and picking up more speed as it went by planets. That’s why it took so long, but eventually it got up enough speed, got up enough momentum to catch up to the comet, and now it is doing the cometary science that you see in your televisions and in your Internets.

Same thing, you are going to go through this process of picking up speed, picking up momentum, and so each of you have something that you want to accomplish, that you hope to accomplish, that you think is important towards the future of the planet. Some of you might think is not that big a deal, some of you think it’s a big deal but no matter what it is it something and it is your something. It is a uniquely you something, and we are here to suggest that you pick it up at least every other day, if not every day and do something with it.

Stop waiting or cease waiting and start acting. Now, again you will not get perfect whatever it is, you will not get it perfect first, maybe some of you might hit on it a little more than others, but whatever it is, just do it, and get some experience with it. Get some milestones under your belt with it, and then come back around as if you are this planetary probe picking up more momentum, and try it again and try it again.

Maybe you’re going to write a book, and maybe first thing you will do is just collect your ideas for the book, and then maybe you will write a first draft and a second draft and a fifteenth or twentieth draft. Who knows how many you will have to do before it reaches that place of functionality, and we’re not going to say perfection, you never reach perfection, but you reach a place where it’s good enough, where it does what it needs to do.

Our vehicle does this all the time around the house, he lives in a house that is very –– chaotic would be a good term for this house –– it was built with a lot of chaos, and so a lot of times he wants to fix something and or repair or change something, and it is not easy because the house is so chaotic, and so he’ll make a