Parkinsons Recovery

Parkinsons Recovery

Treatments for Parkinson's Disease

June 13, 2017

Today I answer questions and address topics listeners have asked me to discuss. Here is a short list of some of the questions and topics I address: 
Using a nutritional approach to healing Parkinson's I now have a healing crisis every 4 days followed by good days.What does this mean?More about LDN for treating symptoms please.What about Mannitol as a treatment for Parkinson's symptoms?How can I reduce tremors in my left hand and foot and in the upper, inner and left side of my head?When will the 2017 updated Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease be available? What about amino acid acid therapy as a therapy? 
?Additional Resources discussed:

The second Jump Start to Recovery Course convenes August 1st for 8 consecutive Tuesdays.

2017 Updated Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Consultations with Robert Rodgers PhD