OK... So What Now? with Alexander Jerri

OK... So What Now? with Alexander Jerri

Latest Episodes

Episode Four: The Truth About Cats and Poop
January 20, 2012

I spend a lot of time thinking about my cat, but almost no time thinking about what happens to his poop after I throw it in the garbage. On this fourth episode of OK... So What Now? I follow the poop around (metaphorically) and speak with experts about t

Episode Four: The Truth About Cats and Poop
January 20, 2012

Me and my cat and all his poop and landfills and plastic bags and the worlds most successful parasite and dead sea otters guerilla composting and even more.

Episode Three: The Exciting World of Newspaper Website Comment Section Posts
November 02, 2011

OK... So What Now? is a show that starts with that question and ends wherever the investigation takes me. Each episode features interviews and investigations on one puzzling aspect of modern life.

Episode Two: How Good is Good Enough?
August 22, 2011

OK... So What Now? is a show that starts with that question and ends wherever the investigation takes me. Each episode features interviews and investigations on one puzzling aspect of modern life.

Episode One: Why Do You Care What Other People Think?
July 17, 2011

OK... So What Now? is a show that starts with that question and ends wherever the investigation takes me. Each episode features interviews and investigations on one puzzling aspect of modern life.