Nuclear World Network

Nuclear World Network

Radioactive Milk, Lyme Disease and Fukushima

November 13, 2013

In episode 1, we talked about the radioactive isotope strontium-90. We also talked about how it is used to create the bright red color in fireworks and we talked about how it mimics calcium…We also talked about how it is a byproduct of uranium and plutonium, but in today’s episode, we’ll talk about how you can block your body from absorbing radioactive strontium and then we’ll take a look at some findings by Dr. Gould which seem to indicate that Lyme disease is the direct result of a mutation caused by a nuclear accident in Connecticut. We’ll also take a look at some disturbing findings in our milk supply and I’ll tell you where to find real-time radiation monitoring that’s updated minute by minute.


Learn to use the Law of Selective Uptake to your Advantage

In this episode and every episode, I explain the law of selective uptake. In  a nutshell the law of selective uptake is this… radioactive isotopes mimic minerals, except for cobalt-60, it mimics vitamin B12. The thing to remember is this, if your body is saturated with ionic minerals, then radioactive isotopes can’t get in and that’s the goal, keeping our extracellular matrix rich in ionic minerals, but first we’re going to talk about how you can get an easy to absorb form of calcium in your body that won’t come with a heavy price tag and by that, I mean that radioactive strontium has been detected in the North American milk supply, and by extension, if it’s in our dairy supply, then it’s mostly likely going to be in our beef supply as well…


Milk is Used as a Special Marker for Radioactive Contamination

Milk is tested by governments for radioactive contamination because milk is considered a special marker for radioactivity. I believe it’s because it goes through three levels of the food chain. Think about it. The fallout lands on the grass, (that’s a level 1) the cows eat the grass. Now instead of eating the cow (if we did that it would be a  level 2) it goes up another level on the food chain. Now we’re at a level three. At a level three, the cows produce milk, so I’m thinking that’s about as high up on the food chain as it gets, and that’s a level three. Honey is also a level three, because it’s processed by the bees.


Strontium Detected in Milk Samples Following Fukushima Explosion

In a Forbes article dated  April 27, 2011  Jeff McMahon reported that strontium -89 was detected in milk from Hilo, Hawaii at that time the EPA found 1.4 picocuries per liter of strontium-89 in a milk sample collected in Hilo on April 4. A picocurie is equal to 0.037 thousandths and a becquerel and a becquerel is the activity of an unknown quantity  of radiation where the nucleus decays per second.

At that time cesium-137 was also detected in “precipitation” in Montpelier Vermont , Jacksonville FL,  Boise Idaho, and Richmond California and iodine 131 was detected in Montgomery Alabama, Little Rock Arkansas, Denver Colorado, Hartford Connecticut and Jacksonville, Florida.

Flash forward in an article dated October 18th, 2013 – RT reported that TEPCO officials said  that radioactive substances like strontium have reached the groundwater and that detected 400,000 becquerel per liter of beta ray-emitting radioactive substances – including strontium – were detected at the site, which is a level of 6,500 times higher than readings taken on Wednesday and believe me, whatever the readings were on Wednesday, they weren’t good, as this ongoing Fukushima fiasco seems to be never-ending. And , we aren’t even going to talk about the PVC pipes that are holding these storage tanks together, nor are we going to talk about the tons and tons of water that keeps pouring of the side of the mountain that keeps mixing with the contaminated water, nor are we going to talk about what could happen if there was another earthquake or typhoon to hit the place. We don’t want to go there. And, we certainly don’t even want to guess at how much radiation has been already been released in to the ocean as mutations and high levels of radiation have already been detected in the seafood coming out of the ocean.

Here’s an interesting tidbit of information, the EPA does not routinely monitor for strontium-90 , I wonder why that is?

This  information was reported on a site called and as near as I can tell, it’s some sort of database that individuals can use up to a point, and the point where the data collection stops for detection of radioactive isotopes is in 2011. There are no further updates or testing listed on this site or any other known official government sites that list which radioactive isotopes were detected in what and where.  The data base has not been updated for over 2 years. That’s right, two years. I’m not an alarmist type of person, but failure to keep public records updated via this data base speaks volumes and that’s probably the amount of data that is not being released. Volumes and volumes of radioactive isotopes that are now in the environment as a direct result of Fukushima fallout.


Mutations aren’t Just in the Movies

You can go to Mutation Watch on Facebook to see the massive amounts of mutations that are being reported all over the United States. You can also go to twitter and find Mutation Watch there too. Mutation Watch is put out by RadChick and you can find her at She’s an  amazing resource of information and I encourage you to support her efforts.


Real-Time Radiation Monitoring

Personally,  I usually take a look at to find out what is going on. Radiation network is updated  in real-time every minute.


There’s a Pattern to the Lack of Information

We also  have Enviroreporter and they do a great job of reporting on radioactive contamination. In fact, not too long ago, on Feb 28th 2013, they reported strontium-90 was detected in 9 milk samples that were taken in 2011,  in British Columbia, Canada. Of course, no other sampling has been done since then, or at least no sampling has been released to the public at this point in time. Are you starting to see a pattern?


1961 Study on Breast Milk and Radioactive Strontium

Let’s take a look at a study that was done back in 1961. It was done by  John Brown and Anita Jarvis on strontium-90 in mother’s milk in Toronto, Canada. The study tells us that it is in lower level in cow’s milk and that is because human beings obtain strontium-90 from animal and pant sources (levels 1, 2 and 3) the study goes on to tell that breastfeed infants excrete more radioactive strontium than those fed cow’s milk and that fact was considered a more “powerful argument in favor of breast-feeding.”

Interestingly enough, there is another study that tells us that there was a two month lag between the appearance of fresh fallout in cow’s milk and human milk. Another words, strontium-89 was present in cow’s milk in September 1961, but it didn’t show up until November 1961. In this study, the researchers tested the calcium supplement mineral preparations used by pregnant and lactating women in the study to find their strontium-89 and strontium-90  levels. If strontium isotopes were present in these products then it would be transferred to the yet to be born baby and to breast-fed infants. Kudos to the scientists that led that study back in 1961 for even thinking about testing the calcium supplements that these new mother were taking. That study was conducted by Anita Jarvis, John Brown and Bella Teifenbach.

BTW – Stontium-89 has a half-life of 50.55 days. After 50 days, it is halved to 50% of the original about, then after another 50 days, it’s halved again to 25 % of the original amount and then after another 50 days its halves again to 12.5 days and so on, never really quite disappearing.


It Ain’t Over Yet Folks

It’s been over two and a half  years since Fukushima has been raining down radioactive fallout all over the northern hemisphere and there has been very little government testing. Actually, I believe there has been a lot of government testing going on, but none of it has been released to the public. And, by government testing, I mean the governments that comprise North America. That’s just my opinion.


Calcium Rich Plant Based Foods are Part of the Answer

The question remains, how can you block your body from absorbing radioactive isotopes such as strontium-90? Because strontium-90 mimics calcium, you’ll need a good source of calcium where the molecules are small enough to be absorbed by the body. Unfortunately, due to widespread contamination, we have to be particularly picky about what we consume. I like to get my calcium from a variety of sources, as you should too.

I toss dill on everything from salad and dips. For instance, dill goes great on a green salad, pasta salad or whole grain salad.

One table-spoon of dried dill weed contains 55 mg. of calcium and one table-spoon of dill seed contains 100 mg of calcium. (Many seeds contain higher amounts of calcium than the leaves.)

But by far, fennel seeds are the winner. According to fennel seeds contain over 69 milligrams of calcium per tablespoon.

In addition, I take ionic mineral supplements by a company called Marine Research Concentrace liquid ionic minerals.


Andrei Sakharov Called it Back in 1958

Now, here’s something you don’t hear mainstream media talking about…ever. Did you know that radiation can cause mutations in bacteria and viruses?

A Russian physicist, Andrei Sakharov was a Russian nuclear physicist and civil rights campaigner. Even though he helped to develop the Soviet hydrogen bomb, he campaigned against nuclear proliferation. He fought for reform and human rights in the former Soviet Union and for that he was sentenced to internal exile 1980–86. (Eventually, he won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1975). Anyway, Sakharov told us that low levels of radiation could increase mutations of bacteria and viruses. This prediction was originally made in 1958.


Lyme Disease Linked to Radiation Release

Flash forward to 1975. Did you know that in 1975 there was a radiation release near the Millstone and Haddam Neck nuclear power plants in Connecticut?

Enter Dr. Jay Gould. He was an epidemiologist and a statistician who warned that low levels of radiation emissions from nuclear power plants were the cause of high rates of cancer in surrounding neighborhoods.

In Deadly Deceit: Low-Level Radiation and High-Level Cover-Up, Dr. Jay Gould had this to say about Lyme disease,

“In 1975 there were 59 cases of Lyme Disease recorded; in 1985 the number increased to 863, mainly in the two counties of Middlesex and New London, CT near the Millstone Nuclear Power Plant. Just as increases in cancer may be linked to the huge radiation release from Millstone in 1975, so too may be the tick-borne Lyme disease epidemic. The Lyme Disease is carried by a spirochete that had not been as harmful to humans prior to 1975. It is well-known that radiation can cause mutations in bacteria. The enormous 1975 Millstone radiation release may have caused just such a mutation in the tick-borne spirochete.†.


The ‘Ol Double Whammy

Now our immune systems has a double whammy and the double whammy is this, we have a weaker immune system and new diseases resulting from mutated pathogens, such is the case with Lyme disease.

In “The Implications of Chernobyl for Human  Healthâ€, published by the International Journal of Biosocial Research, (no.8, p. 19, July 1986) Dr. Ernest Sternglass explains:

“When the radiation from such isotopes as strontium-89 and 90 in the bone marrow mutates an existing virus that invades the T-cells of the immune system  and kills them in the process of replication, the stage is set for the complete collapse of the immune defenses and resulting death from opportunistic infections or cancer.â€

Thank you for taking the time to read my show notes. In the next episode, we’ll take a look at cesium-137.

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