Cyber Security Weekly Podcast

Cyber Security Weekly Podcast

Episode 74 – Real time data collection & Oracle's IoT Demo featuring Anki Racing Cars

June 11, 2018


In this interview, Morry Morgan talks with Stuart Coggins, Sales Consulting Director of Oracle, who demonstrates Oracle’s ability to collect real time data, apply analytics, and engage IoT systems, within the cloud, by using the kids’ car racing game, Anki Overdrive.

With a customised Oracle dashboard, a Rasberry Pi processor equipped with Bluetooth, Stuart and his team were able to demonstrate real time data collection of speed, battery power, distance and even each car’s wear-and-tear.

While the example on display at the IoT Festival is a children’s toy, the scaled up version has obvious applications for autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and multiple integrated IoT services, such as logistics and emergency services.

YouTube Video link

Recorded at the IoT Festival, Melbourne, 4 June, 2018