Muse On Minis Gaming Network

Muse On Minis Gaming Network

Combo Smite Podcast 107 – OTC List Discussion and Analysis

February 03, 2016

The Ontario Team Championships (the "OTC") is a WTC-style event that takes place every year in southern Ontario. This year there are 24 teams and a total of 128 players attending (wow!) from throughout Ontario, Quebec, and the Northeastern United States.

We decided to spend some time diving into the analysis of the lists submitted for this event, to try and figure out what useful information could be gleaned!

Like, why is 1 in 20 players at this event playing Lylyth2. That's insane. 150 warcaster/warlocks, and Lylyth2 amounts for 5% of the entire event!

Anyway, give it a listen and, as always, let us know what you think!