Missing Frames: Catching up with Cinema

Missing Frames: Catching up with Cinema

Between Takes 0.5 - John's Drunk. Let's Do This.

September 23, 2018

Over Labor Day weekend on the eve of DragonCon, John Mills downed a few beers and joined Shawn Eastridge for a rambling discussion on Star Wars, Solo: A Star Wars Story and Ant-Man and the Wasp's lackluster box office performances and the problem with franchises in general. Also, John's drunk, so you won't want to miss this. (And we promise we'll get back to normal Missing Frames episodes soon. Shawn's a busy kid. Be nice.)

TECHNICAL NOTE: The impromptu nature of this stunning work of podcasting resulted in its being recorded on an iPhone. As a result, the audio quality is not stellar. Please bear with us and try to enjoy the beauty of the conversation, despite the technical snafus.

Shawn Eastridge
John Mills