Mike's Daily Podcast

Mike's Daily Podcast

Episode 908 the interview with AN INTIMATE EVENING WITH MICHAEL SHAW part 3!

August 10, 2015

Today it’s PART 3 of my INTO AN INTERVIEW with Michael Shaw of the band AN INTIMATE EVENING WITH MICHAEL SHAW. Plus we hear from Chely Shoehart, Floyd the Floorman, and John Deer the Engineer!

I was trying to enjoy a beautiful Bay Area afternoon sitting on the grass or what WAS grass before the "drought of doom" and decided to call my mom because smartphones do that too along with texting but nowadays that’s all people do. I was talking to her and suddenly this guy shows up. It was a quasi-Zodiac moment and this guy was a dunce. His dogs start barking at my dog. My dog is cool as a cucumber and doesn’t escalate the situation, but then this guy doesn’t leave! He remains there, looming, letting his dogs bug mine. I yelled at him (and I hardly ever yell at anyone) HEY, MAN, I’M ON THE PHONE! CAN’T YOU SEE THAT??? He says, "Oh, I thought you were almost done." What?!? I had made it a point to say very loudly, "So how are you doing, MOM!" Dude, I’m on the phone with my mom, go the hell away! People can be so dense. I never yell at anyone, but clueless people need to be yelled at as loudly as possible. Maybe louder.

Next show it’s the FINALE of my INTO AN INTERVIEW with Michael Shaw of the band AN INTIMATE EVENING WITH MICHAEL SHAW! Plus we hear from Benita, the Disgruntled Fiddle Player, and the Brewmaster!