Medical Spanish Podcast

Medical Spanish Podcast

NIH Stroke Scale in Spanish

August 18, 2023

Today's lesson introduces our series covering Spanish for the NIH Stroke Scale

In today’s lesson, you will hear a patient present to the ER after the sudden onset of right leg weakness and the first portion of the NIH Stroke Scale exam in Spanish. In the premium lessons, we will complete the review of today's dialogue and the rest of the NIH Stroke Scale exam.

>> Access the full transcript, Quizlet set and download the PDF in our Stroke Module. 

>> Sign up for our free membership and get access to all the lessons in our chapter covering the NIH Stroke Scale! Starting August 18th, a new lesson will be added to this chapter every two days until we have completed every step of the exam. 


  • Dialogue 2:28
  • Saludos y presentaciones 3:41
  • Preocupación principal 4:58 
  • Presentación 6:36
  • Tiempos verbales de acontecimientos pasados 7:23
  • Sentir + la parte del cuerpo + adjetivo. 8:54
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Saludos y presentaciones


Buenas tardes. Soy el doctor Méndez. ¿Usted es la señora Martínez?
(Good afternoon. I’m doctor Méndez. Are you Mrs. Martínez?)

During introductions, we use definite articles before titles. Learn when to use a definite article before one’s title.

Sí, soy yo.
(Yes, that’s me.)

We conjugate the verb SER according to the pronoun. Practice using the verb SER with pronouns.

Preocupación principal


D: Dígame. ¿Qué le pasa? ¿Qué le trae a urgencias hoy?
(Tell me. What is wrong? What brings you to the emergency room today?)

(Tell me.)

¿Qué le pasa?
¿Qué te pasa?
(What’s wrong?)

las urgencias
la sala de urgencias
la sala de emergencias
(the emergency room)

¿Qué le trae a la sala de emergencias hoy?
(What brings you to the emergency room today?)



Bueno, estaba trabajando en el jardín y casi me caigo. De repente sentí la pierna derecha débil, sin fuerza. Y la siento adormecido.
(Well, I was working in the yard and I almost fell. Suddenly, my right leg felt weak, limp. And it feels numb.)

Tiempos verbales de acontecimientos pasados


She sets the scene with the imperfect tense:

Estaba trabajando en el jardín.

She uses the present tense, to express something that almost happened, but was never completed:

Casi me caigo.

She uses the preterite tense to express a discrete event that occurred at a specific point in time:

De repente, sentí la pierna derecha débil, sin fuerza.

sin fuerza

See our series covering Imperfect vs Preterite

Sentir + la parte del cuerpo + adjetivo.


Sentí la pierna derecha débil.
La siento adormecida.


Practice describing your body using the construction: Tener/Sentir + la parte del cuerpo + adjetivo.

Gracias por escuchar. Thanks for listening.
These lessons are solely for learning Spanish. They are not intended to teach medicine or provide medical advice. 

The post NIH Stroke Scale in Spanish appeared first on Doc Molly.