Medical Spanish Podcast

Medical Spanish Podcast

STD Symptoms in Spanish

November 16, 2017

Learn to talk about STD symptoms in Spanish. In this clinical encounter, you will hear señor Gómez present to the clinic with symptoms suggestive of an STD.

Clinical Encounter

Vocab and Phrase Review
Siento ardor al orinar y me pica mucho.
I feel burning when I urinate and it stings a lot.
Siento + sustantivo
Siento ardor.
Al + Infinitivo
Al orinar
When / upon urinating
To sting or itch
Me pica mucho.
It stings a lot.
Me pica la cabeza.
My head itches.
Me arde al orinar.
It burns when I urinate.
Want to learn more?
Subscribe to the premium podcast at In the premium audio lessons, we will go over the rest of this clinical encounter. Dr. Johnson takes a sexual history, and señor Gómez explains that he has not seen his wife in the Dominican Republic for over a year and he has had sex with other women. Dr. Johnson explains that his symptoms indicate that he may have a sexually transmitted disease. She performs a test to verify this and then explains what the treatment will be if the test comes back positive. The premium audio lessons are interactive. We review the essential vocabulary and then we use this vocabulary to interpret each line of the clinical encounter between English & Spanish.
Member? Access the premium series STDs
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