MarriagePath Radio

MarriagePath Radio

When To Appease, When Not To Appease

May 30, 2017

Inevitably appeasement is the go to behavior associated with unhealthy people pleasing, and that is not a good thing. Yet, appeasement is not always wrong and it can be a necessary ingredient in a relationship that addresses unique needs and preferences. In this podcast we will distinguish healthy and unhealthy appeasement. Something to Think about: There are times when we each need to set aside our prefered ways in order to establish a companionable spirit. When the other operates with an attitude of entitlement or insensitivity, a fair response is to establish your separateness. Appeasement is appropriate when it is balanced with reasonable self-care. Let’s Talk: In what scenarios do you struggle to discern between healthy appeasement versus appropropriate self-care?