LOA Today - Your Daily Dose Of Happy

LOA Today - Your Daily Dose Of Happy

Latest Episodes

Is It Randomness or Is Everything Connected? Exploring the Concept of Coincidence
April 22, 2024

Have you ever felt like certain events in your life were meant to happen? Joel and Walt’s fascinating conversation reveals how synchronicity and the law of attraction are constantly shaping our paths in unexpected ways. Joel shares his belief that “noth

Kirsten Rudberg - Embracing Life's Twists And Turns
April 22, 2024

Kristen's journey of self-discovery took many unexpected turns. Growing up overseas exposed her to diverse cultures and acceptance, but returning to the US brought challenges to her identity. Facing racism as an immigrant, she struggled to find belong

PJ Victor - Finding Strength Through Adversity
April 17, 2024

PJ discussed overcoming imposter syndrome to publish three books in just a few years. She shared feeling like a failure for not achieving her goal of being published by age 35. This limiting belief created self-doubt that negatively impacted her relations

A Dose of Joy: Create Your Own Positive Environment
April 15, 2024

Life coach Joel Elston knows the power of positive connection. As he explained to host Walt Thiessen, Joel aims to raise the vibration of every room through compassionate questions and humor.Joel's approach involves learning about others. Absurd qu

Daniel Raz - How Making Small Changes Can Inspire Big Results
April 15, 2024

We've all heard the saying "You can't pour from an empty cup." But what does that really mean, and how can we apply it to our own lives? This emotionally-driven conversation with health coach Daniel Roz provides powerful insights into pr

Finding Yourself When the World is Changing
April 10, 2024

Life's transitions often spark inner turmoil as we question our purpose and identity. For many women, midlife brings this crisis as relationships, careers and family roles change. Sophie shared navigating divorce and cancer, facing the unknown with

Synchronicity – A Wider View Of Possibility
April 08, 2024

Joel Elston and Walt Thiessen invite us to expand how we see our place in the world. In their discussion of synchronicity, they point to a deeper interconnectedness that defies what seems possible from a narrow perspective. Joel reflects on how even his m

Louis de Souza - A Passionate AI Dive and Political Journey
April 08, 2024

Spiritual seeker Louis de Souza shares how a month-long political dive uncovered surprises. Through YouTube and AI assistant Pi, Louis immersed in parties, policies and global powers."I was stunned by America's military, political and monetary

Our Lives Are Lessons in Connection
April 03, 2024

JodieLynn's relationship with horses taught her to trust subtle energies that modern life often obscures. She realized they were mirroring back lessons on authenticity that apply to all our interactions. Walt sees his cat as a "fellow being"

"I'm Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired"
April 01, 2024

Have you ever felt like you just can't take on one more thing? Like everything seems overwhelming and you just want to shut down? Joel Elston, life coach and addiction counselor, says you may not actually be exhausted - you could just be programmed th