The Last American Vagabond

The Last American Vagabond

Syria Lie Collapses, Israel Attacks, Charity Founder Arrested For Pedophilia & Facebook Scandal Continues

April 17, 2018

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (4/17/18).
So over the last couple days we have seen the complete collapse of the manufactured lies in Syria. While the Q crowd have their own fairytale they’re weaving, which makes this atrociously illegal act a “4d chess move” that is good for America somehow; as they typically do with anything that seems to reveal the truth about Trump and the current US government. They claim this was a strike against the Deep State — a term I am increasingly beginning to think they do not understand, as this was surly a boon for the military industrial complex, one faction of the multi-faceted idea that is the Deep state, and not simply “the Democrats.” So in saying it was a strike against the Deep State, yet clearly helped the military industrial complex, there is a glaring contradiction there. 
Yet they maintain this was an attack at the Deep State, in Syria, and apparently not a cancer research facility that was bombed — of which we have on-the-ground evidence to support, something Eva Bartlett also pointed out in our recent interview — as opposed to the chemical weapons facility the US claims was bombed. Both Eva and Partisan Girl from YouTube make two excellent points on this topic.
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First, if a chemical weapons factory had been bombed, that would have been both horribly destructive to the very city the US claimed to be fighting for, killing untold civilians as the supposed chemical weapons would have been released due to the bombing, and that it would have destroyed any chance of proving these weapons existed to begin with, which would have supported their claims.
Second, the US claims they took out Assad’s supposed chemical weapons capabilities in this attack, and the Pentagon claims they “didn’t miss a shot, every shot his its target,” yet then turns around and warns that if Assad uses chemical weapons again, they are ready to strike? … wait, didn’t they just say they took out his chemical weapons capabilities? Clearly, this is just setting up the next false flag possibility, should that need arise.

“Despite being attacked by the US who say they bombed his CW capabilities, #Assad will likely use chemical weapons again” – Setting things up for the next false flag, it might come sooner than we think. #Syria #Syriastrikes
— Partisangirl