JMVO Weekly Primer

JMVO Weekly Primer

Latest Episodes

059 - Dan McCarthy :: Planting the Seeds for Re-Opening Michigan - JMVO Weekly Primer Ep 59
April 14, 2020

In the age of Corona, "truth" is as subjective as ever before.

058 - Kim McKeeman :: Marketing In The Midst of a Crisis
April 10, 2020

The power of #bethemcentric

Finding the Good - The JMVO Weekly Primer Episode 57
March 24, 2020

Even in the darkness, there are always slivers of light

Matt Dubiel :: Your Employment and The Power of Leverage - The JMVO Weekly Primer Ep 56
February 09, 2020

Be sure you can fly if your employer decides to part ways with you.

Networking and How I've Been a Failure - JMVO Weekly Primer Ep 55
February 02, 2020

Don't discount may be closer to a win than you think....

Hamburger Client Deep Dive and Rate Shaming - JMVO Weekly Primer Ep 54
January 27, 2020

Relationships will drive the new creative economy...

Witch Hunts, Cultural Attitude and Superheroes - JMVO Weekly Primer Ep 53
December 15, 2019

Things seem so chaotic lately...but this is nothing new under the sun.

The Power of FAILURE :: Interview with my kid's teacher - JMVO Weekly Primer Ep 52
October 07, 2019

"I tell the parents to not freak out about their kids failing"

How to be CREATIVE with your Podcast! - JMVO Weekly Primer Ep 51 w Spence
August 29, 2019

Creativity Manifests from Persistence and Consistency

How to be both a Creative *and* a Salesperson - JMVO Weekly Primer Ep 50 w Mayur and Amanda
July 28, 2019

An artist's inability to emotionally remove themselves enough from their art to effectively sell it is detrimental.