Hard Starboard Radio

Hard Starboard Radio

Hard Starboard Radio: The Trumpnibust Disgrace

March 25, 2018

Donald Trump is officially a lame duck; The Trumpnibus disgrace; Senate passes budget-busting Trumpnibus; Trump threatens to veto Trumplican budget bill . . . after Congress has already passed it; “He just wants to add a little drama”; A great gnashing of teeth, as TrumpWorld reacts to Mafia Don’s veto fake-out; With Trumpnibus signing, Trump formally surrenders to the "swamp"; The GOP Congress & Swampy Don have no problem with state-funded death; Pointing out that the Trumpnibus sucks is not “whining”; Stop excusing Donald Trump’s role in the Trumpnibus disaster. he deserves blame, too; and Only Ryan and McConnell can pen in Tyrannosaurus Trump, which means we're all doomed.