Hard Starboard Radio

Hard Starboard Radio

Hard Starboard Radio: Trumparanoia

March 26, 2017

Fewer than sixty days. That’s how long Donald Trump’s presidency is, and it feels a whole lot longer. Chaos is the order of the day for the Trump administration, and much of it exists because of the ringleader of this gang that couldn’t shoot straight – President Trump.

President Trump’s inability to control his impulses, whether he’s at a rally or on Twitter, isn’t isolated to the coverage he gets in the press. The crap flows downhill and eventually covers the feet of Kellyanne Conway and Sean Spicer who are forced to go on television or before the White House press corps and make idiots of themselves.

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As conservatives fight the efforts of their former party and president to promote Obamacare 2.0 here at home, there are some major problems with the direction in foreign policy of this Trump administration. We can dismiss all reports of liberal policies and leftist personnel emanating from this administration as “fake news” — or we can demand a course correction before this becomes the third term of Obama’s State Department.