Hard Starboard Radio

Hard Starboard Radio

Hard Starboard Radio: The Bannon Way Is The Wrong Way

February 06, 2017

The Bannon Way might work on the campaign trail, but it doesn’t translate into good governance. It’s possible — and one must hope — that Trump can learn this fact on the job. But what if he doesn’t? He could put the country in serious peril.

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The real challenge for Trump’s negotiating team may be not so much to accomplish those objectives as to keep the U.S.–Mexico relationship from flying off the rails and crashing in a heap of acrimony and recrimination. As it now stands, the Trump administration risks provoking a Mexican populist backlash that could result in an anti-American government led by a Hugo Chávez wannabe taking power in 2018, an outcome that could adversely affect U.S. prosperity and security for years to come.