Hard Starboard Radio

Hard Starboard Radio

Hard Starboard Radio: Donald Trump & His Neo-Fifth Column

December 18, 2016

"No credible source has claimed that the Russians won the election for the Republican candidate. To believe that, you’d have to think that the Russians tricked Mrs. Clinton into deploying her campaign resources disastrously, convinced her to set up her stealth server, or encouraged her to give a lackluster performance on the campaign trail. How did the Russians get Mrs. Clinton to ignore Wisconsin and Michigan, I wonder?

"But countless credible sources have said that the Kremlin interfered with our election. Trump and his team are foolish and irresponsible to rain scorn on that."


"Barack Obama has taken America toward a cliff at 100 mph; Hillary will press the accelerator further, so that we’ll be moving at 120 mph; Trump would presumably press the accelerator only slightly, so that we’d be cruising toward that cliff at 110 mph. The difference: Trump will force his conservative passengers to rip out the reverse gear in order to justify him. Conservatism will become Trumpism. Conservatives will prioritize winning over truth….Trump asks for something more – your political soul."


"A lot of people remember the confrontation Senator Ted Cruz had a with a Trump supporter during the campaign. At one point Cletus asks Cruz, 'Where’s your Goldman Sachs jacket? We know your wife works there!'

"It was a shot taken not only at Cruz but also one at Hillary Clinton. After all, it was Trump who said Goldman Sachs had 'total control' over her. The hardcore Donald Trump supporters call people such as Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator Marco Rubio, 'globalist traitors' and shriek about 'globalism' at every turn.

"Yet, the silence is deafening now that Donald Trump is filling his cabinet and other administrative posts with these so-called 'globalists.'"